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Pepti-Guard 120 vegcaps by Thorne

Pepti-Guard is formulated to specifically support the desirable flora found in the upper gastrointestinal tract.* 

Thorne's Pepti-Guard is formulated to specifically support the desirable flora found in the upper gastrointestinal tract, particularly in the stomach.* Its formula contains deglycyrrhizinated licorice and organic aloe vera for their GI-supporting properties.*

Only high-quality aloe vera from the inner gel of the aloe plant is used because it helps soothes the sensitive mucus membranes of the GI tract without causing gastric upset or a laxative effect.* Berberine hydrochloride and bismuth citrate help provide a healthy microbial balance.* The easy eight-week protocol requires just four capsules a day.

• Hypoallergenic
