Wellness Consultation

The BioSurvey

Navigating today's vast array of wellness options can be overwhelming, often leading to costly trial-and-error at great emotional and financial cost. Fortunately, there's a superior non-invasive method to explore these choices virtually.

We specialize in facilitating a digital dialogue with the body using the advanced technology of the Zyto Virtual Clinic, offering crucial insights to empower our wellness professionals in making informed decisions.

Our extensive libraries that have been refine over the last 20 years contain hundreds, even thousands, of bioenergetic markers that represent tangible items. Using galvanic skin response data, the Zyto technology tracks fluctuations in response to these markers, enabling better decision-making and developing personalized protcols based on what your body tells us.

The Sessions

Sessions focus on analyzing stressor bioenergetic markers to pinpoint areas needing attention, as well as balancer markers to identify solutions for restoring balance. Through the technology of the Zyto Hand Cradle, you gain deep insights into factors influencing your wellness journey.

The resulting reports reveal correlations, patterns, and trends among the holistically scanned bioenergetic markers. This empowers our wellness professionals to ask targeted questions and uncover vital information, crucial for achieving optimal well-being.

The Process

Initial Consultations

Your first session test for 5 general biofeedback readings of your bodily system. From those five we narrow down the biokinetic markers to find the root cause of your illness. From your personal results we craft a protocol of functional therapies and supplementation to go beyond treating the symptoms and holistically promote wellness.

Initial Sessions is 1 hour long but we suggest you plan for 1.5 hours as some sessions may run longer. All sessions require a Zyto Hand Cradle to be received prior to the appointment time.

Once the reservation fee is received a Zyto Hand Cradle will be sent directing from the manufacturer for you to keep. You will responsible for providing your own laptop or computer to meet with us the in the virtual clinic. Please note the Zyto Hand Cradle does not work mobile devices at this time.

Follow-Up Consultations

We know it can be a difficult journey, so we suggest scheduling a Follow up consultation to track your progress and to ensure you are taking the right steps toward wellness. As certain factors effect may effect wellness we use this time to refine your functional protocols to continue to give your body the proper support.

Follow Up Consultations are recommended to be scheduled every 2 months from your initial consult. Each Follow-Up appoints are 45 minutes to 1 hour. All Follow-Up appointments require a Zyto Hand Cradle, so we strongly suggest keeping the Hand Cradle received from the Initial Consult in a safe environment. You will responsible for providing your own laptop or computer to meet with us the in the virtual clinic. Please note the Zyto Hand Cradle does not work mobile devices at this time.

Meet Our Dedicated Team!

  • Michael Payne, MS, CRC, CNS

    Discover Mike Payne at Living Well Today – Your Expert in Holistic Wellness. With 25+ years' experience, Mike specializes in complex health issues like autoimmune conditions & neurodegenerative disorders. Begin your transformative journey today!

  • Aaron Payne, N.D.c ,C.H.P.

    Elevate Your Well-Being with Aaron Payne at Living Well Today International. With 15+ years of expertise, Aaron specializes in holistic solutions for optimal health. Explore supplements, neurofeedback, and more for personalized wellness. Start your journey today!