Apo-OEDEM by Pekana
Apo-OEDEM by Pekana
apo-OEDEM drops are effective for treatment of different forms of edemas, including, hepatic, renal, lymphatic and subcutaneous cell tissue.
Conditions that can trigger or accompany the development of edemas include inflammation, deposits, disruptions in circulation and circulatory weakness through coronary insufficiency and reduction in kidney function.
apo-OEDEM drops also help relieve swollen ankles due to water retention, abdominal bloating and venous stasis.
Combines well with apo-Dolor in cases of pain.
Spagyric and/or homeopathic preparations of:
Aesculus hippocastanum 4X
Apocynum cannabinum 3X
Convallaria majalis 12X
Helleborus niger 4X
Sambucus niger 4X
Spirea ulmaria 6X
Stigmata maydis 4X
Thuja occidentalis 6X
¼ to ½ teaspoon 2 to 6 times per day.
Duration of Use:
This remedy is generally for acute use. Discontinue once symptoms are stabilized.