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Comprehensive Detox Kit by DesBio

Comprehensive Detox Kit by DesBio

Regular price $173.95 USD
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Comprehensive Detox kit by DesBio is a FULL-Body detoxification, drainage, and physiological regulation designed to optimize all major organ functions and systems WHAT MAKES DESBIO’S DETOX KIT DIFFERENT THAN THE REST? Organ-specific detox aims to cleanse or purify individual body systems, but many of these approaches fail to consider the relationships between organs or organ systems. It is more effective to address all body systems where toxins may accumulate in order to optimize the function of body systems and the efficacy of secondary treatments. There are several reasons that DesBio’s detox and drainage kits are the best available. These products, working together, support the body in these ways:• Promote detox and drainage (not just detox)• Promote aerobic metabolism• Adds energy to the immune system• Clears and unblocks the matrix• Promotes both forms of immunity (stops allergies AND inflammation)• Dovetails with other Desbio Detox Formulas• Dovetails with the fat detox needs of hA2cg Evolution• Improves on the 4 phase formulas of homotoxicology (6 phases!)• Precedes the needs of a heavy metal detox program• Energizes the patient• Shortens clearing reactions

CerebroMax: Balance the Brain
The brain is the central processing center of the body, and its functions are critical to all body systems. When neurotransmitters are unbalanced, the brain experiences symptoms such as depression, chemical imbalances, memory disorders, sleep problems, and stress. Bringing the neurotransmitters into balance helps relieve these symptoms and provides a smooth flow of nerve impulses, necessary to each body system's healthy function. Freeing this system allows better treatment of mental health-related problems, such as depression, and issues with mental focus and memory.

Detox I: Cleanse the Liver & GI
The digestive system provides fuel to the body and all its systems. However, along with food, we take in many toxins that clog the liver and GI tract. When the toxins don't drain from the digestive system, symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, and fatigue occur. Detoxifying the digestive system allows the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines to function optimally, ensuring that the body's metabolism provides energy to all body systems. Any treatment for GI problems will be better received when these pathways are open.

Detox II:Purify the Kidneys & Urinary Tract
The urinary system eliminates wastes from the body. When this system is blocked, symptoms such as fluid retention, swelling, back pain, and urinary frequency, urgency, and burning occur. Cleansing this system improves drainage to the entire body, increasing the waste elimination function and detoxifying the kidneys.

Detox III: Drain the Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system creates immune cells to bolster the body's defenses and ability to resist disease and toxins. When this system is out of balance, the body's resistance becomes low, allowing viruses, bacteria, and other undesirable elements to infect body tissues. Draining and opening the lymphatic system keeps white blood cells active, battling disease and filtering toxins, and allows lymph fluid to flow effectively through the body.

Matrix Support:Clear the Matrix
The interstitial matrix is the miniscule space between cells in our bodies. This space is filled with a gel-like substance that regulates what goes in and out of cells. When this intercellular space becomes filled with toxins or other waste material, it becomes difficult for nutrients and other beneficial substances to move into cells. Clearing this space of toxins helps every cell in the body function at maximum efficiency.

SpinalMax: Optimize the Spine
The spine is the body's communication highway, carrying nerve impulses to muscles that perform bodily functions. When this highway is blocked, the movement and flow of information to the rest of the body is obstructed. A blocked spinal pathway leads to pain, anxiety, and nervousness and prevents the body from benefiting fully from chiropractic or massage treatments.

First week: Three times a day, put 10 drops each of Cerebromax, Spinalmax, and Matrix Support under the tongue (total 30 drops, 10 of each product each time). Alternatively, add 30 drops of each product to one liter of water and sip throughout the day.
Following weeks (30 days minimum, 60 days recommended, continue until issues are resolved):

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: Three times a day, put 10 drops each of Detox I, Detox II, and Detox III under the tongue (total 30 drops, 10 of each product each time). Alternatively, add 30 drops of each product to one liter of water and sip throughout the day. Consider adding 30 drops of the Meridian Opener for the weakest meridian each day for maximum effect.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Three times a day, put 10 drops each of Cerebromax, Spinalmax, and Matrix Support under the tongue (total 30 drops, 10 of each product each time). Alternatively, add 30 drops of each to one liter of water and sip throughout the day.

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